Practice Tango

The BEST connection comes from a mix of chemistry and technique.  AND BOTH benefit from PRACTICE!!

There is nothing that gifts you with more connection in Tango, than doing (what we call) your Tango mileage!  This is exactly what a Tango Practica (or practice session) is designed to do.

A ‘practica’ is a ‘half-way’ house between a class AND dancing with improvisational freedom with experienced partners at Tango Milonga (formal Tango social gathering). Dancing at a Tango Milonga, socially with some confidence, is generally where true Tango is experienced … πŸ¦‹πŸ¦‹ But first there must be practica πŸ¦‹πŸ¦‹

πŸ¦‹πŸ¦‹ The social etiquette is different in practica, less formal and more conversation allowed on the dance floor. πŸ¦‹πŸ¦‹

Tango Butterfly is not currently offering any practica spaces …Β 

The SOCIAL TANGO Classes are NOT for the absolute beginner.
It is to improve Social Tango technique and ease the Social dancing experience.
An OPEN LEVEL class means participants need to already have some experience with Tango.

Please register for the next Tango FUN I or 5-week Intro Course.
More info on that can be found here- click this link.

Attendance at the Social class includes the practica afterwards.
So you can hang, chill, chat, have some snacks and experiment with your Tango there.


Bookings for the class is requested, but you can also just show up. To ask questions about the class or practica, please use the contact form via this link.

The 10 biggest mistakes in social dancing by Tango Butterfly 2012

If you would like to watch some videos of Tango demonstrations, please visit the Tango Butterfly Youtube Channel